
Thoughts: 2023-10-26

# Probability I adore people that can teach, inspire that spark within other(s) to be curious and interested in life. Now, a very interesting way of thinking has just been built after hearing Chris Piech in his first video lecture on CS109 2022. He said this is some nice little philosophy:
"We live in a world where there might be finite things, but there's infinite combinations of those things.
It's not infinite but The Step of Rule of Counting leads to so many unique combinations so fast that our world of combination is incredibly large."
He also said a couple of things that helps me build a new construct of thinking:
Probability is not solved.
Think about something you love that maybe not everybody loves.
There's a good chance there is a meaty interesting problem in the intersection of probability, computer science, and that thing you love.
Brain = Beautiful probability machines
> You get more information, you could understand how to incorporate that more information to improve you probabilistic understanding.
And it just makes us better understand the world around us.
And if you understand the world around us, you can start to build things for that world.
What an unexpected and interesting take from a Probability for Computer Science class, right? This suddenly makes me want to have a great understanding of probability and somehow share it as well. I'm not sure yet which form it will take. In a world of very large combinations of things, I can choose so many things to do. But that is also my problem. How can I choose with my limited knowledge? Maybe I need to expand my knowledge. I hope I can choose well, be diligent, committed, and content. Maybe I should know when to give up too. I will pray to know the lines.